Sunday, June 10, 2007

Women In Art

Check out this cool video:

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Callie's Soccer Game

We went to see Callie play soccer today. She did very well! We enjoyed seeing everyone and watching the game was fun (or I should say watching the scrimmage, since the other team forfeited due to insufficient players). Afterwards we went to Ricky's for ice cream (yum!).

I took a few movies with my digital camera and stuck them on my website.

Well, that's all for now. Tomorrow we're off to a covered-bridge festival in Bucks County.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Idling Too Long

Well, I've been sorely remiss in posting to this blog. After navigating through the conversion to using my Google account, I decided this would be a good time to add something new.

My latest fun (well, sort of) thing is transferring my old audio cassettes and LP's (remember those black vinyl discs?) into digital format. It's not difficult, but is time-consuming. I haven't gotten too far yet, but I'm enjoying the results.

I find that I rarely listen to whole albums anymore (occasionally, but not often). Most of the time I just run iTunes in "party mix" and just circulate randomly through the entire collection. I do thrive on variety!

I'll try to post more often; have to get myself into a routine.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

One score and seven

We had a nice dinner out at Buca di Beppo tonite. The place is expensive, but their food is very good and it's a really fun atmosphere.

It's hard to believe that 27 years have gone by since we tied the knot. Time sure whooshes by.

Re-org at work

They are rearranging things in my organization at work. The little group that I'm in used to have 6 people plus a manager. Now we have 19 people plus a manager! The folks moving into the group are mostly coming along with work that they're already doing, so it's not really that much of an impact; just weird. Plus my manager's wife just got relocated at her job, so he's moving to Virginia--but keeping his current job.

My boss' boss didn't have a problem with him moving, which figures since he lives in Hawaii!

The new folks in my group are scattered around the country too--Sunnyvale, Chicago, etc. This has really gotten to be an electronic world.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Stella's Secret

I just finished reading Stella's Secret today, the first-person narrative of holocaust survivor Stella Yollin, as told to my college-chum Jerry. Horrifying but fascinating. As many times as you see or read about what went on then, you still come away non-plussed at the incredible inhumanity exhibited by the Nazis. Stella and her mother survived, though everyone else in their family was killed; the fact of their survival was itself somewhat miraculous.

A short, utltimately uplifting story.

It's horrible to think of my own relatives that were killed, though of course, I'm too young to have known any of them. Hey! There's something I'm too young for? Now THAT'S uplifting!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

First Steps

I am setting my feet upon Blog Road--who knows where they will lead me?
As someone with furry feet once said, "The road goes ever on and on..."